Dog Breeding For Beginners – Important Things You Need To Know

Dog Breeding For Beginners – Important Things You Need To Know

Breeding a dog is a beautiful thing, but it comes with a lot of responsibilities. Owners of dogs or those attempting to breed them must understand the commitment they are making. Despite how happy it is, it carries a number of health concerns, including major problems that could result in death.

It requires significant planning and preparation to complete it correctly. You should get advice from a specialist who is knowledgeable about dog breeding. If puppies are returned to you because of health problems or dissatisfied customers, it may be heartbreaking and expensive.

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Planning a litter takes a lot of time and work from breeders who are dedicated to the profession of dog breeding. Before consulting a specialist, you should complete your research to become knowledgeable about the topic.

Before we move further, let’s understand the concept of dog breeding. Dog Breeding For Beginners

What is Dog Breeding?

Dog breeding is simply the practice of mating selected dogs with the intention of maintaining or producing specific qualities and characteristics (Wikipedia).

A dog breeder is someone who intentionally mates dogs in order to produce puppies. When it comes to breeding, it’s all about genetics, so an experienced breeder will be knowledgeable about canine genetics and health, as well as how the dogs will be used.

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Dog Breeding For Beginners

Important Things You Need To Know As A Beginner in Dog Breeding

Below are important things you need to know before going into dog breeding:

1. How Frequently Do Dogs Go into Heat?

By the age of 24 months, chihuahuas should have an obvious heat cycle. Although bitches’ heat cycles vary, the average female goes through heat about every seven months. A bitch is not considered abnormal unless she has not experienced an obvious heat cycle in the previous year.

2. Know the Health Status of the Dog Species

You should be aware of the most common health issues, as well as the health status of two dogs who are about to mate. If either breed has any underlying health issues that may affect the offspring, make sure they are addressed. Otherwise, breeding them is not a good idea as long as the health problem exists.

Make certain that you and your family are committed to seeing your dogs through the breeding, birth, and puppyhood processes. Breeders are responsible for their puppies’ health and safety. If their mother is unable to support their litter, some puppies may require food and supplements.

3. What Should a Pregnant Dog Eat?

A pregnant dog should be fed a growth or performance food because they are nutrient-dense and require less food to sustain her increasing energy needs. She may have difficulty eating a substantial amount of food, especially later in the pregnancy when her uterus takes up much of the space in her abdomen. A pregnant dog should weigh 5-to-10% more at whelping than she did before breeding. Obesity is linked to difficulties whelping, increased birth defects in neonates, and stillbirths. Similarly, a thin body can lead to infertility.

4. When Should You Start Nursing Puppies After Birth?

Because puppies cannot produce their own antibodies at birth, it is critical that they consume their dam’s first milk, colostrum, which is high in disease-fighting antibodies. Puppies can only absorb these antibodies from their intestinal tract for the first 24 hours of their lives.

Don’t worry if your buck doesn’t nurse until all of the puppies are born. This is a common occurrence that poses no danger to puppies.

5. Make Sure You Select A Mating Pair

Find a mating pair that complements each other. Examine a list of dog breeders on the internet or from any reputable source in your area. To create a balanced litter, the dogs in your pair with weaknesses should be paired with another pair with exemplary traits.

The health of your mating pair is also an important factor to consider. When breeding, the animal should show no signs of illness.

The temperament of a breed is inherited from its forefathers. Ascertain that both dogs will make excellent pets and have pleasant personalities. If you plan to breed the pair, talk to your veterinarian about their health history and possibly genetic testing.

Dog Breeding For Beginners
Dog Breeding taking place

6. Is it Legal To Breed Dogs Without a License?

A dog breeding license is required if you breed at least three litters of at least one puppy in a single year.

If you sell puppies for a living, regardless of the number of litters you produce, you must have a license. Licenses may be required if your puppy sales income exceeds your costs for food, vet care, and stud fees.

Dog Breeding For Beginners

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Dog breeding can be advantageous in a variety of ways. You can start your own business by breeding dogs. You may want to breed your dogs if you know they are amazing and have amazing traits and temperaments. You will be responsible for several dogs, so it is critical that you understand what you are getting into.

Learn everything you can about breeding your dog or breeding a pair you own before deciding whether or not to breed them together.