Reducing Fats in Chicken
Reducing Fats in Layers (Chicken), a natural way of reducing fats in Chicken
Fats are needed in chickens but not in all chickens, Fats are good in broilers. I can’t possibly say the importance of fat in this article but believe me, this article is for farmers and intending farmers.

As a poultry farmer, if you were wearing broilers you would want them to have fats because it would make them bigger and attractive to buyers and the same time more profit for you.
In the case of Layers, laying Chicken, you wouldn’t want them to have fats because fats would reduce their egg production by blocking the egg passage. This is one of the reasons why layers of the marsh is having low protein so that they would not accumulate fats.
The question now is, how do you reduce fats in your laying chicken to maximize egg production?
1. Reduce protein: You can reduce the protein of your feed, this would make them utilize the stored fats in their body and make use of it to meet up their nutrient needs by their body since it’s lacking in the feed.
If your chicken is having fats, you need to change to growers marsh, or any low protein feed, any maintenance feed would do, you give them what to eat, they don’t need much protein at that moment, since you want to get rid of fats.
2. Restrict Feed: You can restrict their feeding, chicken loves to eat a lot but you can restrict feed which is to reduce the number of times you feed them daily, you can give them feed twice instead of thrice, which can reduce the amount of feed you give them. If you feed them one bag daily, it can be reduced to ½ bag daily.
3. Uses of guava leaf: Guava leaf is a natural leaf that is used to reduce fats in chicken, you can dry it, blend it and mix it with feed. This works like charm. It would reduce fat faster than you expect.
Reducing Fats in Layers (Chicken), a natural way of reducing fats in Chicken