As said earlier, good hygiene practice reduces the risk of disease outbreak in grass cutters rearing. The most important
disease in grass cutter rearing include the following:
1.ENTEROTOXAEMIA: This is caused by a
bacterium clostridium perfringens. The
organism produces toxins which are absorbed into the circulatory system of
the grass cutters thereby causing moralities.
The most obvious sign seen is the paralysis/ pedaling of the hind legs.
Other signs are seen during post mortern.
vaccine against this condition is
Antibiotics (Ciprofloxacin,
Enrofloxacin) are used in the treatment. It is useful to sprinkle some superphosphate on pen floor bi-monthly to break the development circle of clostridia orgamisms.
2.STAPHYLOCOCCAEMIA:-This is caused by a bacterium, staphylococcus Aurelius.
Most of the signs of this disease are seen at post mortem but discharges from the nostrils and vagina could be seen.
Antibiotics are also employed in its treatment.
3.COCCIDIOSIS:This is caused by organism of the Eimeria family. Symptoms of the disease include diarrhea, prostration e.t.c
Drugs of the Amprolium family are used in its treatment.
4.WORM INFECTION:-This is caused by worms and can be gotten from the cane
grass being fed to the grass cutter. This is why the cane grass must be put in the sum before being fed to the grass cutters in order for the larvae of the worms to destroyed. Regular deworming should be carried out.
5.ECTOPARASTES: e.g ticks. These could be introduced into the pens through inadequately dried forage. Administration of Ivomec is used to control ticks.