How To Boost Poultry Egg Production To Maximize Profits

How To Boost Poultry Egg Production To Maximize Profits

Increasing egg production in the poultry farming business has always been a concern for many poultry farmers, as many poultry farmers always complain to me that they have lost so much money on their poultry farming businesses, and they frequently ask me how they can improve either their layers egg production or their profits on layers poultry farming.

This constant challenge and panic from my people motivated me to create this ultimate guide for you, which is why we will be discussing the 6 Ways to Improve Egg Production and Maximize Profits on Layers Poultry Farming today.

Depending on your understanding of the principles I’m about to share, poultry profit can be high or low. If you’re reading this and haven’t started your poultry business yet, I envy you because you won’t have to waste time exploring and learning through mistakes that could have cost you time and money.

You can do a few things as a poultry farmer to maximize your profit, particularly with layer egg production. So, without wasting your time or resources, hang on while I show you everything you need to know.

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How To Boost Poultry Egg Production To Maximize Profits

1. Make Sure To Choose the Best Breeds for Maximum Poultry Profit

Every standing building starts with a good foundation so also is any business because if you don’t get the scratch, basics, foundation, beginning, starting phase e.t.c. well, call it whatever name you like (place your own word that best suits you there).

So if you start with the wrong foundation, some things will never go well. To a poultry farmer, your chicken breed is the foundation of your business, and if you don’t get it right, you may end up regretting your decision for the rest of the production cycle.

Tips for Choosing the Right Breed

  • Find out the best breeds: As a poultry farmer generally, you need to go always go for the best breeds. You can ask on our farmers’ forums here and build on their knowledge. You should go for a breed with a proven capacity for a maximum number of eggs and good disease resistance.
  • Locate the hatchery with the best record: Farmers will tell you, whether you believe it or not, that some hatcheries have a poor track record in terms of chick productivity. You will also need to determine which hatchery currently has a good reputation. This is critical if you don’t want to spend your entire day treating diseases and losing chickens to vertically transmitted diseases.
  • Beware of middlemen: Because hatcheries typically sell to customers who are willing to buy in bulk, there are many people whose business it is to buy and resell to farmers. There are also agencies that claim to have chicks from all of the major hatcheries. If you are going to work with these middlemen and agencies, it is critical that you work with those who can be trusted if you want to maximize poultry profit. Some middlemen will sell subpar chicks in cartons from reputable hatcheries.

Poultry Egg Production To Maximize Profits

2. Get the Most Profitable Poultry Feed Formula

This is another significant one. The value of the feed you provide for your birds cannot be overstated. In fact, feed and water are the two most important elements that birds use to produce meat and eggs. Thus, the extent of your gain or loss will be determined by your ability to provide a good ration to your chickens. And now for some sound advice.

If you invest your money in getting a standard feed formula for your chickens to maximize profit, you will thank your lucky star. You can hire a professional nutritionist or purchase a chicken formula. This is preferable to attempt several unproven formulas.

Also Read Noiler Vs Layer chicken which is good for Egg business?

3. Use Organic Medications

Believe me when I say I’ve tried it and it helps to maximize poultry profit. And what exactly is organic medication? I’ll explain in a moment. It’s all about replacing those expensive synthetic drugs with herbs and spices that are just as effective, if not more so, in combating poultry diseases. Organic poultry farming has demonstrated that there are organic substitutes for synthetic drugs.

Making concoctions with spices and herbs and giving them to your birds not only keeps them healthy but also saves you a lot of money. If we claim that poultry is a profitable business, we should not spend all of our money on synthetic drugs.

4. Do Away with Poultry Feed Wastage

Always serve your birds feed as needed, but don’t overfill the feeders, which encourages them to waste feeds for you, as you are indirectly wasting and losing money.

It is preferable to serve them three or four times a day as they finish the feed rather than once or twice as they end up throwing away and wasting nearly half of the feed served, if not more. There are also some advantages to always providing fresh feed and water to your birds.

As a result, offering smaller meals at more frequent intervals may be a strategy to ensure adequate intake, resulting in uniform body weights and reduced feed waste.

It is critical to have well-designed feeders to limit feed waste. Less feed waste will aid in the achievement of more uniform body weights. It is critical to provide an adequate number of feeders and adequate feeder space so that all birds can feed freely and a proper hierarchy can be established.

In cage-free environments, flock uniformity may be more difficult to control and manage. Distributing feed throughout the barn will help to prevent overcrowding and encourage subordinate hens to feed.

5. Litter Contact and Management (Bio-Security Measures)

Contaminated litters are a major source of contamination on poultry farms. Diseases are more easily transmitted within a flock in poultry farming in general due to increased bird movement, bird-to-bird contact, and exposure to litter. As a result of being exposed to higher pathogen loads in these litter-based systems, cage-free birds will face additional health challenges.

Coccidiosis and necrotic enteritis, as well as other zoonotic pathogens like E.coli and Salmonella, will become more prevalent, posing risks to both animal and human health.

To reduce the risk of disease and other health issues, strict bio-security measures must be maintained, as well as keeping the litter clean and dry at all times. Establishing and maintaining gut health is also essential for bird health and performance.

A customized strategy involving acidifiers, synbiotics (combined prebiotic/probiotic additives), and phytogenics may be beneficial in this regard and should be considered for inclusion in the feeding program.

Also Read How to make your Chicken lay bigger eggs

6. Well-Planned Sales are Also Important For Higher Poultry Profit

Though this is most relevant in broiler farming, it should also be taken into account in egg production where farmers intend to sell spent layers. When you don’t sell your birds at the right time, you put yourself at a disadvantage as a farmer.

Broilers, for example, reach market weight in 6-8 weeks, and raising your birds beyond 10 weeks is usually not cost-effective. This means that you must plan your sales ahead of time and secure your buyers before you begin raising your birds.

If you are in the egg production business, you should know when to replace your birds; when their egg production no longer justifies the feeding cost. Be astute!

If you want to maximize your poultry profit as a poultry farmer, you must do all of these things. It will assist you in standing out.

How To Boost Poultry Egg Production To Maximize Profits