Feed formulation using Pearson Square (two ingredients)

Feed formulation using Pearson Square (two ingredients).
Earlier we talk about feed formations using two ingredients. Well, it’s not different from this as well, just that we would formulate feed based on the nutrient requirement of the chicken.
Pearson Square feed formulation makes used of two ingredients to formulate feed but it formulate feed based on the nutrient requirement of the chicken.
Nutrient requirement of animals varies, nutrients requirement of broilers is different from layers, broilers starter had a different nutrient level compared to broilers finisher, the same way growers marsh has different protein level which is different from layers marsh.
Below are the nutrients requirement of chicken
Broilers starter has 20-20CP
Broilers finisher has 18-20%CP
Layers marsh contain 16-18%CP
Growers marsh contain 15%Cp
Chick Marsh contains 20-21%CP
Now that you know about protein requirement of chicken, let’s proceed to formulation
Please you need to read about earlier post on introduction to feed formulations and feed formulation using two ingredients.. I won’t be talking about those article here, so please go and read them.
Let’s start
Note that each feed ingredients have their own nutrients value
Maize is know to have 8.3 – 9Cp
Soya is said to have 45CP. To be able to fortunate feed, you need the feed nutrient table to know the nutrients value of each feed ingredients. You can download feed ingredients table on Google and get familiar with it.
Let’s say we want to produce broilers starter using Pearson Square feed formulation methods
The nutrients requirement of the feed would be in the middle
Now draw a diagonal on the drawing
Put the nutrients by the left size along with their nutrients value.
Maize 8.3 25
Now let’s talk about Calculations
The diagonal lines bring the difference, the differences between 20 and 9 = 11, the differences between 20 and 45 is 25
Now add the 25 and 11 together to give = 36 (the right side)
Differciate 45 and 9 to give 36
If you get the same number, then it’s correct.
Now we used the data above to calculate how many KG of soya can be added to how many Kg of maize.
Now we can tell how many KG of maize can be added to how many KG of Soya such that the nutrients value of the feed would be 20%CP.