Effects Of Consuming Guava During Pregnancy

Effects Of Consuming Guava During Pregnancy

Guava, a delicious fruit guava, which is indigenous to Central America, is a good source of fiber, vitamin C, and folate. It is widely believed to encourage a healthy pregnancy and increase fertility.

Similar advantages are allegedly offered by guava supplements, extracts, and tea made from the fruit or leaves.

However, you might be curious as to whether these assertions are supported by scientific data.

This article looks at the effects of consuming guava during pregnancy and tells you if it’s safe for pregnant women to consume it.

Potential Advantages Of Consuming Guava During Pregnancy

Guavas are full of vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds that support a healthy pregnancy and may help avoid related complications.

Despite this, only a small number of clinical studies have examined the effects of guava and its extracts in humans despite their widespread use in traditional and folk medicines.

Guava Is Rich In Essential Nutrients

Pregnant women require more protein, vitamin C, folate, and other nutrients to support healthy fetal development.

Vitamin C in particular is crucial for your baby’s healthy development. Additionally, it increases the absorption of iron, a nutrient that pregnant women require more of in order to help their unborn child receive oxygen.

Additionally, getting enough folate during pregnancy helps prevent birth defects and problems with spinal development.

Guava fruit is a great food to eat while pregnant because one cup (165 grams) of it contains more than 20% of the Daily Value (DV) for folate and more than 400% of the DV for vitamin C.

Guava May Help Digestive Problems

Guava may help with digestive problems like acid reflux, constipation, and diarrhea, which are frequent during pregnancy, according to research.

Studies on rodents specifically show that guava leaf extracts delay stomach emptying and decrease stomach acid secretion to stop diarrhea.

Guava is a fantastic source of fiber as well, with nearly 9 grams per cup (165 grams). Consuming enough fiber can help prevent constipation during pregnancy.

While guava fruit consumed fresh is probably advantageous, it is less certain whether guava extracts and supplements used to treat digestive problems during pregnancy are safe.

Guava May Lower The Risk Of Developing High Blood Pressure

Preeclampsia is a complication that affects some pregnant women and is characterized by high blood pressure and potential kidney or liver damage.

Guava may reduce your risk of developing this condition because compounds found in its leaves may inhibit the enzymes that cause high blood pressure, according to studies conducted in test tubes.

Furthermore, guava consumption before meals significantly lowered blood pressure compared to a control group in a 4-week study of 145 adults.

Also Read Health Benefits Of Guava Leaves

However, it’s crucial to remember that this research is from a number of decades ago. No current research on humans has looked at how guava consumption affects blood pressure.

Guava leaf tea could help with blood sugar regulation.

Potential Advantages For Fertility

Guava is believed to aid in increasing fertility because of its wealth of nutrients, which include fiber, folate, and vitamin C.

According to observational studies, women who consume more dietary folate tend to become pregnant more frequently than those who consume less of it.

Women of average weight who consume more foods high in vitamin C may also become pregnant more quickly than those who do not.

However, guava and fertility have not been specifically investigated in any randomized, human studies. Consequently, while the guava fruit’s nutrients may benefit women who are trying to get pregnant, they are unlikely to increase fertility any more than other foods that are similarly healthy.

Women should maintain a healthy weight, avoid excessive alcohol and caffeine use, eat enough protein, healthy fats, and micronutrients to support fertility.

Vitamin C and folate, two nutrients that are abundant in guava, may support women’s fertility. Human studies are still required.

Precautions To Take When Consuming Guava

Guava is typically regarded as secure. Few human studies on its fruit, extract, and tea indicate no negative side effects.

However, there are no safety studies for expectant or nursing mothers.

To reduce your risk of ingesting bacteria or parasites that could harm you and your unborn child, it is best to wash and peel the guava fruit before eating it while you are pregnant.

Pregnant women should also speak with their doctor before taking guava supplements, and only use supplements or teas in accordance with the instructions on the packaging.

SUMMARY – Effects Of Consuming Guava During Pregnancy

According to some studies, this tropical fruit may also help with digestive problems and lower blood pressure. However, there hasn’t been much research done on pregnant women.

While guava in moderation may be a healthy addition to a healthy pregnancy diet, consult your doctor before taking guava supplements.

Guava is generally regarded as secure. Because there aren’t any safety studies, pregnant women should consult a doctor before taking guava supplements and may want to wash and peel the fruit before eating it raw.

Guava is frequently credited with boosting fertility and promoting a healthy pregnancy.