What do you think of this Carton brooding picture?

What do you think of this Carton brooding picture?

We have spoken on brooding in a carton on this blog, many criticise us for wrtting such a stupid article becaise they were thinking of the normal carton they got from buiscuit and other little items.
But when i came across this picture, i difinitely know that, this is what the people needed to see, so that they may raise their believe.
So if i may ask, what do you think?
Do you still think brooding in a carton is impossible?
It look like this guy joined two or more apple carton, to make a long and beautiful carton for his birds.
Being a farmer require thinking out of the box sometimes.

Below are some views from our Fans across Other Countries

These are very handy for early brooding and can be burned when you are finished with them, so you will not carry over any germs to the next batch of chicks. If you go to Harvey Norman, Bunnings etc you can usually get really big solid boxes free of charge. They have nice high sides to keep drafts out and keep chicks in.

I used Washing Machine Boxes 30 chicks per box for 1st 2 wks then used to split chicks into 2 ( 8 boxes going at a time ) for 10 yrs & up to 400 chicks a season.