Six (6) Factors Affecting Performance of Layer Chickens In Poultry Production

Six (6) Factors Affecting Performance of Layer Chickens In Poultry Production

Welcome to Nagro, in this article we will be walking you through factors that negatively affect the performance of Layer Chickens in poultry production, so keep reading.

Layer Chickens farming is simply the art and science of raising hens (female chickens) primarily for the production of eggs and secondarily for meat. Layers are commercially viable egg-producing chickens.

The primary reason for rearing Layer Chickens is for egg production but there are factors that can affect their performance, which we will be looking at in this article.

Chicken eggs are in increasing demand due to their nutritional compositions that are beneficial to humans as well as their usage in confectionery. These have also led to the rapid growth of the poultry industry.

Also Read Noiler Vs Layer chicken which is good for Egg business?

Six (6) Factors Affecting Performance of Layer Chickens In Poultry Production

1. Temperature

The first on our list is Temperature which is one of the major factors that affects many living things today. For optimal performance, hens require a moderate temperature. Thermo-neutral zones of adult fowl range from 12.8oC to 26.0oC, and the temperature has no effect on performance. This temperature range promotes the best egg quality.

When temperatures drop below the thermo-neutral zone, feed consumption rises, while egg production falls and shell thickness decreases. Temperatures above 26.0oC, as found in the tropics, reduce egg yield and quality.

Six (6) Factors Affecting Performance of Layer Chickens
Cage Free Layer Farming

2. Ventilation

Layer Chickens are small animals with a fast metabolism, its air requirements per unit of the body are higher than those of other animals. Straight-through passive ventilation in hen houses can meet the requirement.

Good ventilation is also required to remove carbon dioxide, ammonia, and other noxious gases from the air. Because of its cooling effect, the fowl can withstand high rates of air movement, especially when the temperature is high.

3. Source Of Light

Light has been shown to stimulate egg production in all birds, including chickens. This is accomplished by stimulating the pituitary gland, which releases hormones required for ovulation.

The job takes a couple of hours from start to finish, including egg laying. Increasing the amount of daylight promotes sexual maturity and vice versa. Precocious maturity results in a lower rate of lay and smaller egg size due to low POL body weight; the light requirement considered adequate for production is around 10 lux (one-foot candle).

The use of artificial light to provide 14 to 16 hours of light helps to overcome the problem of seasonal variation in day length. The standard practice is to install one ceiling outlet for every 18.6m2 of floor space, and artificial lights should be used on pullets after 5 months of age, supplementing daylight by 1 hour.

4. Relative Humidity

High relative humidity (RH) inhibits evaporative cooling, rendering panting ineffective. This worsens thermal stress. High RH levels may increase the likelihood of wet and moldy litter. For layers, the recommended RH range is 50-80 percent.

Also Read How To Easily Incubate And Hatch Snail Eggs – Complete Guide

5. Noise

Noise is one of the major factors affecting egg production in Layer Chickens. Intermittent noise impacts negatively on egg production. A continuous noise, however, neutralizes the shock effect of sudden noises.

6. Floor, Feeding, and Drinking Space: 

These factors interact with temperature, ventilation, and RH to influence the fowl’s performance. As a result, it is essential to adhere to the established floor, feeding, and drinking space requirements for each bird.