How To Recognise Fowl Pox Infection

How To Recognise Fowl Pox Infection, Its Causes And How To Prevent  It From Poultry Birds.
Fowl pox is one of the viral infection that is most predominant during raining season. 
And is wild spread by mosquitoes and other blood sucking insects. Another cause is traced to poultry farms that allows rain to enter their pen and wet their litters. Wet litters are breeding site for fowl pox disease Carrier.
Fowl pox affects almost all  the types of poultry birds ranging from Turkey to chicken among others. 
Fowl pox is identified by the wart-like lesions of the head particularly of the comb and around the eyes its also identified by the yellow cheesy lesion that appears on the head, wattles, near the mouth on the legs and also on the cloaca. 
Fowl pox could occur externally and internally. Its external  colour is yellow to dark brown in appearance. Its internal appearance is known as wet pox and it appears on the trachea, oesophagus and on the oral cavity.
Its symptoms includes,
Depression in birds 
Loss of appetite
And laborious breathing.
Fowl pox is best prevented by vaccinating the birds against it why they are till young. Vaccination is applied between week 5-6 and its applied by injecting the birds through their wings web.
It can also be prevented by giving oral fowl pox medication such as POX CURE.
And also tight bio security measure should be observed in poultry farms to eradicate the breeding place of insects that carry poultry diseases.  Please share and like it, thanks for reading.