How To Incubate Peacock Eggs
An incubation system is used to hatch peacock eggs, and it regulates the eggs’ location, humidity, and temperature. In order to guarantee the right climatic conditions are fulfilled during the incubation process, regular monitoring is necessary. Before hatching, peacock eggs need to be incubated for 28 to 30 days.
Setting Up And Locating Incubators For Peacock Eggs
Incubator should be set up on a level surface. Your eggs’ location will change if the incubator is angled, which will lower your chances of success. Maintain the incubator in a place with a constant temperature and little humidity. It is simple to regulate the climate and create the ideal hatching circumstances in a steady setting. A space with little temperature variation, such a basement or mudroom, is a suitable option.
Climate Settings And Temperature For Peacock Eggs
Maintain a steady temperature of 99 to 100 degrees on the thermostat. Because the temperature is uniform throughout the eggs, forced air incubators are best. Hopkins Livestock in Indiana’s Craig Hopkins suggests a humidity level of 60%.
The main factor affecting how successfully peafowl eggs are artificially incubated is the incubator’s humidity level.
Your peacock eggs must be in the right climate for them to hatch. When inspecting the incubator, keep an eye on the climate controls to make sure they are stable.
Egg Placement
In your incubator, position the eggs at a slight slant. The large end should be somewhat higher than the narrow end as you place them on the tray. The embryo can form appropriately in this posture without getting twisted or stuck in an upside-down position.

Three times daily, turn the eggs. Three to five times every day, the angle of your eggs will be changed by an automatic turner found in many incubators. You must manually rotate your eggs 45 degrees every time you flip an incubator without a turner. The embryo is kept from adhering to the shell and developing inappropriately by turning, which mimics natural disruptions in the nest.
How To Time The Hatch For Peacock Eggs
Within 28 to 30 days following the start of the incubation period, peacock eggs will hatched. On day 26, transfer the eggs into the hatching area without touching or turning them in any way. The chicks can safely roam about in the modest basket that serves as their hatching environment. Put the chicks in a secure area as soon as they hatch so they may be raised.
Owning more exotic breeds of poultry is possible if you hatch your own eggs. This will ensure the continuation of your particular line of poultry. You need to make sure your incubator maintains the right temperature for your birds to hatch, regardless of whether you have an expensive and elegant incubator or make your own out of basic supplies like a heating element and a Styrofoam cooler. suitable temperatures
Air-Only Incubators
The “still-air” incubator is the most affordable type of incubator. Still-air designs rely on the heat rising and the air flowing naturally through the incubator, unlike incubators with fans or other air-circulation systems. Because the top of the egg is warmer than the bottom, these incubators need to be kept at 102 degrees Fahrenheit. The egg will have an average temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit notwithstanding temperature variations.
Powered Incubators
Incubators that use “forced air” circulate air around the egg using fans or other devices, which keeps the temperature constant throughout the incubator. For reliable hatching, these incubators’ temperature should be between 99 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit. No matter what species of poultry, these temperatures are suitable.
Placement In Incubators
Your incubator must be kept in an area with a constant temperature, away from windows and drafts that can cause temperature fluctuations. An incubator may grow excessively hot or cold, killing or harming the embryos, if it is placed next to a window or in a sunny area. You may maintain a constant temperature by keeping an accurate thermometer with an alarm for changes — too high or too low.
Factors For Incubating Peacock Eggs
Eggs must be rotated manually or using an automatic turner at least three times every day. By rotating, you can prevent the embryo from adhering to one side of the egg. You must promptly turn your eggs by hand or the temperature could plummet.
Additionally, humidity is crucial for a successful hatch. If you use too much, the chicks will drown; if you use too little, they won’t be able to hatch. During incubation, keep the relative humidity between 50 and 55 percent, and for the final three days, 65 percent. A pan of water can be used to raise humidity, and vents can be opened to lower humidity. You can determine relative humidity with the aid of a hygrometer.
Although it takes time and persistence to incubate eggs, it is very satisfying to watch the young peachchicks develop into adults. You will find all the information you need to get started as well as the fundamentals of incubation and hatching peacock eggs in this post.
Both natural and artificial hatching methods are available for peacock eggs. Since the peahen can only successfully hatch a certain number of eggs, the natural technique is not economically feasible.
1. Egg Incubators
An egg incubator is required to effectively hatch peacock eggs. If money is tight, the Manna Pro Egg Incubator is a fantastic choice. If you would rather create your own incubator, we have a wonderful post that details all the possibilities here. Keep in mind that you’ll be fine as long as your incubator is thermostatically controlled and has the right humidity.
2. Peacock Egg-fertilized Eggs
Fertilized peacock eggs are one of the essentials you need for success. No matter if you purchase them or gather them from your own flock, the objective is to obtain eggs that will develop into healthy peachchicks. Before you begin, make sure the eggs are fertile because an infertile egg won’t ever hatch. Candle testing is the most accurate method of determining a viable egg.
3. Candling Instrument
The fertility of peacock eggs may be determined with this piece of equipment. Because you need to know whether the eggs are viable, infertile, or dead, this is a crucial tool.
You may buy an egg candler online or at the majority of farm supply stores if you wish to determine the fertility of your peacock eggs. If you don’t have one, you can hold the egg up to a source of strong light and peek inside.
How To Use An Incubator To Hatch Peacock Eggs
Hatching peacock eggs follows a similar procedure to that of hatching chicken eggs. Get your incubator ready. Make sure it is tidy.
Peacock hens start laying eggs in April and continue to do so every other day until they have laid a clutch of 7–10 eggs. Before inserting the gathered hatching peacock eggs in the incubator, keep them at room temperature.
Get or gather healthy, fertilized peacock eggs as the first step.
Getting healthy, fertilized eggs is the first step in the incubation process for peacock eggs. Avoid eggs that are either too small or too huge; medium-sized eggs are the ideal for hatching. Choose eggs that are clean and free of holes or cracks.
You can pick between forced-air and still-air incubators, which are the two most common types. Larger and equipped with a fan, forced-air incubators are ideal for holding lots of eggs. Still-air incubators are ideal for less eggs because they are smaller and don’t have a fan. Forced-air incubators are preferred by most specialists.
Wash the incubator, then position it in the optimal location.
To guarantee that any germs or pollutants are removed, you should completely (very carefully) clean your incubator. After cleaning the incubator, choose a suitable location for it. The areas with constant temperatures are the best. Do not place the device adjacent to a refrigerator, an air conditioner, a heater, or a window. Make sure the oxygen hole in your incubator is not covered or closed as it likely arrived with one.
The most crucial aspect of utilizing an egg incubator is ensuring that the humidity and temperature remain stable. Run your incubator through a test.
Set up the incubator with the eggs.
Put the incubator with the viable peacock eggs inside. For the first few hours, the incubator’s temperature will inevitably drop. For the first 48 hours after putting the eggs in, don’t change the temperature. A 27–30 day incubation period is required. Always arrange eggs with the larger end facing up and the smaller end pointing down. This keeps the yolk from adhering to the shell and gives the growing embryo inside the egg space to breathe.
Keep the temperature constant and regularly rotate the eggs.
It’s crucial to keep the eggs at a constant temperature and to stir them frequently to guarantee optimal development.
In Summary – How To Incubate Peacock Eggs
Make sure to rotate the peacock egg hatchlings 180 degrees at least three times every day. Make sure the dates are either facing up or facing down on each one. To make sure they don’t sleep on the same side every night, turn them in an odd number of times each day. Be sure to always wash your hands before handling the eggs and handle them softly and carefully.