Fastest Way to sell your chicken this Period

 Fastest Way to sell your chicken this Period
Marketing is one of the biggest problem of any business because use that is where the return,  that’s where the effort would be rewarded.
Many people rushed into business especially farming and after months they start thinking of where to swell their produce. 
It shouldn’t be like that,  as a person that mean business,  you should always think of where to sell your chicken first before going into the business. 
We are going to look into it from two different angle 
First is the small scale chicken farm
Large scale chicken farm. 

Many people who are small scale farmer might be seasonal chicken farmers,  some people only rear chicken during festive period like easter,  Christmas and new year, and other religious events that would happen in the year. 
While large scale farmer often rear chicken throughout the year. 
Mind you I didn’t say small scale farmer didn’t read chicken throughout the year but most of the small scale farmer are seasonal farmer. 
How do you intend to market your chicken this period? 
Let’s start 
Small scale farmer :::  you need to start thinking out of the box,  first of all,  you need to start from your church,  let’s say you are in a department in church,  start with your department and the rest of the church members,  let them know that you have chicken for sell and you would be more than happy if they patronize you. 
As a small scale farmer, tell your friends about your chicken and how you would like them to patronise you,  tell you spouse to tell his / her friends. 
Tell your siblings, your community and people living in your environment should know that you have chicken for sell. 
Strategies on some daily market and take them to the market few days to festive celebration,  as a matter of fact look for daily market or a big junction that is always full of people everyday and take a stand there few days to festive period,  so that people passing might patronise you. 
Note that there is no shame in being a farmer and you must not be shy about it,  it’s your business. 
You can use social media to find buyer for your business’s too. 
For large scale farmer that want to sell their chicken this festive period,  you can’t obviously sell them by yourself using all the above strategy for small scale farmer, 
You need big buyers,  for big buyers to look for you,  you need to overlook some things.  .
You don’t have to be greedy about it,  though those buyers might not want to buy the chicken the price you offered but you need to consider them too because they would still resell it. 
Look for up takers that would buy them from one state to another,  people that sell chicken every day in the market etc. 
I really wish I can say more but belief me,  I would love to rest for the day while you comment