Fast Growing Catfish Species In Nigeria 2022 To Invest On
Catfish farming has remained popular among both employed and unemployed people in our society. This is due to a growing understanding of the significance and benefits of catfish farming. To capitalize on the growing interest in the industry, we will investigate fast growing catfish species suitable for farming in Nigeria.
Many people have expressed an interest in starting a catfish farming business, either part-time or full-time. Whether you go part-time or full-time, beginning your journey with the best species of catfish, whether in Nigeria or elsewhere in Africa, will save you time and money. That means that the wrong species selection could derail your efforts.
The question remains, how many different kinds of catfish are there? There are many species of catfish around the world, but based on observation and practical experience, some appear to be better suited to local cultivation than others.
Always ask questions based on your region (country) to determine the best type for the market around you. Before we continue, let’s take a look at the catfish species we have.
Full List Of Catfish Species
- Blue catfish
- channel catfish
- Flathead catfish
- Cory catfish
- Glass catfish
- Pictus catfish
- Upside down catfish
- Otocinclus catfish
- Bristlenose Pleco
- Stripped Raphael
- Bumblebee catfish
- Chinese algae eater
- Wels catfish
- Claria nigrodigitalis
- Claria gariepinus
- Heterobranchus bidorsalis
- Heterobrancus spp
- Clarias x heterobranchus hybrid
Above aforementioned Catfish species are all that exists but some grow faster than others, that’s why we have properly made our observations and will be giving you below the species that grows faster.
What Are The Fast Growing Catfish Species?
No one will patronize you if you venture into catfish farming, whether in Nigeria or elsewhere, without first selecting the best specie or species suitable for the local market. Every country or state has a favorite type of fish. That means that growing the wrong type will not only waste your time but also your resources.
After our experiment and observations, we look at clarias gariepirus, heterobranchus bidorsalis, clarias x heterobranchus hybrid, clarias nigrodigitatus, and heterobranchus spp as the fast growing catfish species and you can grow them in concrete ponds, earthen ponds, and even tanks.
1. Heterobranchus Bidorsalis

Because of their exceptional characteristics, such as the ability to survive in unfavorable environmental conditions, the Heterobranchus specie is also strong and rugged. According to research, this type of catfish is one of the best for the African market.
When other factors are in place, the species has the potential to grow from fingerling to table size in 26 weeks. These factors include feeding them high-quality feed, proper pond stocking, and frequent water renewal to aid in their growth.
2. Clarias Gariepirus

This catfish species is one of the best found in Nigeria and is suitable for the local market. The reason for this is that it possesses all of the characteristics of an aggressive and invasive species. It has a high tolerance to extreme water conditions, grows quickly and flexibly, and has a low mortality rate.
That is not to say that the causes of catfish mortality should not be investigated and prevented. Its ability to adapt to harsh environmental conditions makes it one of the best catfish species to farm in Nigeria and throughout Africa.
3. Clarias Nigrodigitatus

Nigrodigitatus is a dominant African commercial catfish with high economic value that is widely consumed in West Africa. The species is typically silvery in color, with a white belly and black adipose. Because of its rugged nature, the species is one to consider for catfish farming.
4. Clarias x Heterobranchus Hybrid

Due to its ability to withstand stress, hybrid is a well-known specie among catfish farmers. This species is the result of a cross between Clarias gariepinus and Heteroblanchus longifilis. Aside from its popularity and rapid growth, the catfish is regarded as the best among other breeds found not only in Nigeria, but throughout Africa.
Within five (5) months, the hybrid species can reach 1kg. It is also highly resistant to diseases. Clarias x appears to have the lowest mortality rate. It grows faster and bigger than other locally cultured catfish, and it’s also visually appealing.
The fast growing catfish species found in Nigeria are hybrid, heterobrantus bidorsalis, clarias gariepinus, and clarias nigrodigitatus. Because of their rapid growth and ability to withstand extreme weather conditions in Africa, they are ideal for fish farming. When considering catfish farming, it is best to select one of these or any of the species.